Studying the Bible
**Anthropological, Sociological, Physiological and Theological**
Sermon Preparation: Six Methods for Coming up with Sermon Topics
- The Liturgical Approach
- The Expository Approach
- The Topical Approach
- The Borrowed Approach
- The Random Approach
- The Testimony Sunday Approach
06.09.17 – Research Elohist Theory, Yahwist Theory, Priestly Theory and the Deuteronomist Theory
06.09.17 – The Different types of Sacraments (Mount Vernon Heights Congregational Church)
- Holy Communion
- Baptism (by immersion)
- Marriage
- Confirmation
- Washing of the Saints Feet
10.18.17 – Study who were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Qumran community and the Herodians. What impact did they have in shaping the Old Testament and the New Testament?
Study of the different sections of the Old Testament
- What are the first 5 books of the bible called?
- Who are the major prophets?
- Who are the minor prophets?
- What books are considered poetry?
- What books are considered history?
- Start the study of the 39 books of the Old Testament?
Study of the Books of the New Testament
11.21.17 – Research all of the 27 New Testament Books of the Bible and the time frame in which they were written
11.28.17 – Research of the New Testament Books of the Bible continues
- Who named the books of the New Testament?
- To whom were the New Testament books written too? or which audience was it written for?
- What were the possible reasons why the writers of the New Testament books started writing?
- Research the “Q-Source” or the “Quelle” in theological terms?
12.05.17 – Research what are the Synoptic Gospels
- Research the Synoptic Gospels compare, contrast, and review the parallel between Matthew, Mark and Luke
- (website link provided by Pastor Troy DeCohen for research)
12.12.17 – Continue review / research what are the Synoptic Gospels
- Research the Synoptic Gospels compare, contrast, and review the parallel between Matthew, Mark and Luke
- (website link provided by Pastor Troy DeCohen for research)
12.19.17 – Continue review / research what are the Synoptic Gospels
- Research the Synoptic Gospels compare, contrast, and review the parallel between Matthew, Mark and Luke
- (website link provided by Bishop Troy DeCohen for research)
01.09.18 – Research the 4 major type of prayers in organized religion and learn them
- Invocation Prayer
- Offertory Prayer
- Altar Prayer
- Benediction Prayer
01.30.18 Research the Book of “Job”
- Who was Job (genealogy)?
- When was the book of Job written?
- What time-frame did he live in?
- What was the culture / setting?
- What was going on in the 400 years of silence in the (Old Testament)?
01.30.18 Research the Book of “Psalm”
- How many books / sections are there in the book of Psalms?
01.30.18 Research the Israelite’s vs. Hebrews
- Are the Israelite’s the same as the Hebrews?
- Who did the Jews mate with?
02.13.18 Continued review of the (Old Testament)
- What was going on in the 400 years of silence in the (Old Testament)?
- Read Proverbs 16:4 and read the link and share it with those who came to class
3. This is one of the sites that talk about the Council of Orange
- Research / look up the biblical definition of Elect vs. Pre-destination
06.19.18 Research the Book of St. Marks Chapter 1 – 5
- Read St Marks chapters 1-5
- Identify who John the Baptist was, and his relationship to Jesus
- What was the purpose of John’s water baptism
- Is it John baptism different from what Jesus described as Being Born Again?
- Was John’s Baptism a continuation of Baptism from another source?
- Were other communities doing baptism?
- Is water the only method used historically to baptize?
- Did other communities used other elements to baptize?
- Does baptism bring Salvation?
- Is water the only method used historically to baptize? Did other communities used other elements to baptize?