"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God."

Connect & Serve

Here at  The Mount Vernon Heights Congregational Church you will find a unique blend of community of believers who embodies love and family which are our core values to living a successful Christian life.

We are a group of people committed to following the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. If you are hungry and thirsty for the living word of God which will transform you, come and seek the risen savior with us. Our congregation has no limitations, we reach out to all those who seek the presence of our Lord and those who desire to share their time, talents and experience in building the Kingdom of God.

The Mount Vernon Heights Congregational Church family strongly believes in the principles of Jesus Christ. We believe that this church is rooted in the family of God and those who attend it are part of the family. We embrace every person of faith regardless of where your faith began.  In good and bad times we are a caring, loving and supportive congregation. Here you will find a warm welcome, a smile and ample opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus and His church.